ORGANIC WORLD OF THE PRECAMBRIAN AND PHANEROZOIC: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF RESEARCH: Materials of the International Scientific Conference and XLI Session of the Ukrainian Paleontological Society of the NAS of Ukraine


O.P. Olshtynska; А.V. Matveyev; S. Bakayeva; A. Kaim; Ya.M. Tuzyak; U.I. Bornyak; A.I. Martyshyn; К.V. Ivanchenko; V.P. Grytsenko; V.V. Ohar; V.I. Yefimenko; T.I. Nemyrovska; D. Korn; V. Dernov; N.I. Boyarina; H.G. Kovalenko; P. Gedl; L.M. Matlaj; P. Gedl; O.V. Anikeyeva; S.R. Hnylko; O.M. Hnylko; I.S. Suprun; K.O. Navarivska; L.V. Heneralova; V.S. Dernov; V.V. Syniehubka; Kh. Mikadze; Sh. Keleptrishvili; О.D. Veklych; M. Afandiyeva; Sh. Huseynova; A.Sh. Menasova; M.D. Krochak; M.І. Udovychenko; I.А. Chernikov; P. Gol’din; S. Davydenko; Ya. Kurepa; O.S. Ogienko; V.P. Yanchenko; T. Shevchenko; V. Ochakovskyi; T.S. Ryabokon; V.A. Kovalenko; Yu. Vernyhorova; Р.Я. Дмитрук; A.M. Yatsyshyn; O.I. Krokhmal; L.V. Popova; Yu.М. Veklych; O.M. Kovalchuk; A.V. Mishta; L.V. Gorobets; V.O. Yanenko; Ye.S. Nezdolii; M.P. Stakhiv; M.M. Lіshenko; A.V. Stupak; L.I. Rekovets; V.N. Stepanchuk; L.G. Bezusko; S.L. Mosyakin; Z.M. Tsymbalyuk; L.M. Nitsenko; O.О. Yanevych; V. Yanko; Yu.A. Tymchenko; A. Kravchuk; T. Kondariuk; I. Kulakova; O. Dikol; N.I. Dykan; P. Frenzel; P.D. Tsegelnyk; V.P. Grytsenko


paleontology, biostratigraphy, evolution, Precambrian, Phanerozoic, Ukraine, fossil site


The collection presents materials devoted to the evolution, taxonomy, stratigraphic and geographical distribution of the Precambrian and Phanerozoic biota of Ukraine and the world, as well as to the detailed stratification and correlation of deposits of paleobasins. New fossil sites are described, which supplement and clarify the available data on taphonomy, ecology, stratigraphic and paleobiogeographical significance of fossil faunas and flora. A number of materials are devoted to the problems of stratigraphy and modernization of stratigraphic schemes.

 The preliminary results of revision of taxa are presented, the principles and methods of paleoclimatic reconstructions based on the results of paleontological studies are discussed, and the prospects for the development of molecular paleontology are outlined, as well as some aspects of ancient human ecology are analyzed.

 The data on the loss of scientific objects, such as paleontological collections, stratotypes, unique localities of fossil fauna and flora as a result of military aggression against Ukraine, are summarized. Reference data on paleontological collections stored in Ukrainian museums are provided. 



September 7, 2023

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)

ISBN 978-617-7699-39-1

Date of first publication (11)

Hijri Calendar